Diversity, Equity,

Inclusion, and Belonging


A consultation model tailored to your organization’s unique needs

Guiding You On Your DEI&B Journey

Identifying a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI&B) consultation model that is the best fit for your organization is one of the first keys to successful DEI&B engagement and implementation. We bring a holistic and personalized style to DEI&B and hold ourselves to high standards in transparency and strong communication with our partners.

Partnership Tracks

Inspired Consulting Group offers 4 partnership tracks to support organizations in meeting their identified DEI&B goals and objectives. Each partnership track can be further customized to best meet the unique needs of any organization. We pride ourselves on helping partners find a level of consultation that will provide a structured yet flexible approach to DEI&B consultation, enabling organizations of all different sizes, budgets, and stages of their DEI&B journey to find the best entry point and path for growth.

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Foundational Awareness and Understanding


To build foundational awareness and understanding of DEI&B principles.

Target Audience

Organizations just beginning their DEI&B journey.

Duration of Partnership

3-6 Months

Time Investment

2-4 hours / month

Features & Deliverables:

Initial DEI&B consultation and implementation.

Customized DEI&B strategy discussions with leadership and key stakeholder groups.

Development of a foundational DEI&B action plan.

Foundational DEI&B assessment and recommendations report.

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Engagement and Strategy Development


To engage organizational leadership and develop a tailored DEI&B strategy.

Target Audience

Organizations ready to take the next step in their DEI&B efforts.

Duration of Partnership

4-9 Months

Time Investment

4-6 hours / month

Features & Deliverables:

All features of Track 1.

Support with forming and facilitating an organizational DEI&B committee/stakeholder group.

Development of an organizational DEI&B training calendar.

Availability of “real time” consultation to address issues or concerns related to
DEI&B as they impact employees and/or customers.

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Implementation and Integration


To implement and integrate DEI&B principles into organizational
practices and culture.

Target Audience

Organizations committed to integrating DEI&B into their operations and culture.

Duration of Partnership

6-12 Months

Time Investment

6-8 hours / month

Features & Deliverables:

All features of Track 1 and 2.

Quarterly DEI&B progress reviews and coaching sessions.

Comprehensive DEI&B assessment including employee surveys, policy review, and focus groups.

Assistance with the implementation of DEI&B initiatives.

Auditing of physical and/or virtual spaces for qualities and principles of DEI&B.

Auditing of physical and/or virtual spaces for qualities and principles of DEI&B.

Auditing of policies and procedures (including workflows) for qualities and principles of DEI&B.

Auditing of policies and procedures (including workflows) for qualities and principles of DEI&B.

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Leadership and Sustainability


To lead and sustain DEI&B efforts internally and externally, setting industry benchmarks.

Target Audience

Organizations aiming to be DEI&B leaders in their industry or sector.

Duration of Partnership

9-12+ Months

Time Investment

8-10 hours / month

Features & Deliverables:

All features of Track 1, 2 and 3.

Development and implementation of a long-term DEI&B vision and strategy.

Leadership coaching for embedding DEI&B into personal leadership and organizational legacy.

Consultation and technical assistance for Human Resources and Communications/
Marketing team(s) centering DEI&B efforts within departmental workflows.

Assistance with developing job descriptions and a sourcing/hiring plan that centers DEI&B principles throughout all phases of the hiring process.

Assistance with DEI&B onboarding strategy for new employees.

Partnership and community engagement strategies to enhance DEI&B
impact externally.

Facilitation of meetings with stakeholder groups to identify areas of opportunity
from the perspective of the customer and the community.

Our Proven Approach

Regardless of which track you choose, our consulting services are delivered through the parallel lens of social work and social justice. Chris’s background as a clinical social worker offers a unique perspective to his partners. Our proprietary DEI&B consulting methodology contains 10 steps across 5 phases and follows the acronym PLACE, because at Inspired Consulting Group, we believe there’s a place for everyone at the table.


Phase 1: Plan

Step 1:  Define the Scope and the Project Team

Step 2: Build the Project Plan


Phase 2: Learn

Step 3: Conduct Interviews and Focus Groups (Listening Sessions and survey)

Step 4: Review Policies and Practices

Step 5: Assess Spaces (Physical and Virtual)


Phase 3: Analyze

Step 6: Analyze and Evaluate Data

Step 7: Benchmark and Compare


Phase 4: Communicate

Step 8: Communicate Findings (Final Report)

Step 9: Develop an Action Plan



Phase 5: Evaluate

Step 10: Evaluate and Update the Action Plan


Why Choose Inspired
Consulting Group?


Team members at Inspired Consulting Group are seasoned DEI&B professionals with extensive experience across various industries and specialties.  We lean into our unique lived experiences to bring partnerships that successfully blend our formal training with our diverse backgrounds.

Tailored Solutions

We recognize that every organization is unique, and we provide customized solutions that fit your specific needs.

Commitment to Impact

We are passionate about making a difference and are committed to helping your organization achieve tangible DEI&B outcomes.

Collaborative Approach

We work closely with you, fostering collaboration and strong communication to ensure the success of your DEI&B initiatives.


Get Started!


Ready to embark on your DEI&B journey? Contact us today to schedule a consultation call and discover how we can help you create a more inclusive, equitable, and welcoming workplace.

Successful Partnerships

Inspired Consulting Group has been fortunate to work with many wonderful organizations in our communities. Here’s what they had to say about our engagement.

“Chris has been a true gift and guide to my Maine Savings team and me as we began our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEI&B) journey in 2023. He has been with us every step of the way from our first DEI&B Committee meeting, planning and facilitating our first annual DEI&B committee retreat, and most recently educating our employees through a customized DEI&B Introduction 101 course. Chris facilitates our monthly DEI&B committee meetings and develops and leads custom curriculum, whether foundational or advanced electives. He supports our three sub-committees that focus on communication, education and events. His compassionate and professional approach are an ideal fit for any organization or business beginning their DEI&B journey. His expertise and experience make him the perfect collaborative partner for a developing and maturing DEI&B culture. We continue to work with Chris and look forward to his ongoing support in the months and years ahead.”

Vanessa Madore, CEO & President
Maine Savings FCU

“Chris helped navigate open and honest conversations to provide context and perspective for our team to understand the differences that can exist interpersonally inside and outside of the workplace.  Our goal working with Chris was to educate our employees to improve their satisfaction and ability to work collaboratively recognizing the differences we all bring to the office.  He did this in a welcoming and respectful way that elicited input across a range of opinions and backgrounds to our employees that work in five different states.”

Travis Noyes, PE
COO, Executive Vice President
Haley Ward

“Like many school systems, we had done a lot of work since 2020 around tolerance and diversity at a time when many students were feeling vulnerable. As time passed it became more and more difficult to maintain our momentum with so many different needs and priorities tugging at everyone’s professional sleeves. Then we connected with Chris, and he entered the conversation and helped us to breathe new life into this important work. He helped us to see what was always there — a drive to make sure all students feel as if they belong and are important. With Chris’s help, we are back on track and ready to continue the important job of making sure no student is forgotten or goes unseen.“

Gregg Palmer, Superintendent of Schools
Brewer School Department